“It has been a wonderful and joyful experience attending an MGM gathering of Freemasons who are mostly of Filipino ancestry and to witness the raising of a brother as well as enjoying the camaraderie of brothers from different Lodges and Jurisdictions.” – Yob Ner, PM
“It was a humble experience to host the Los Angeles MGM at the Shrine Temple. I still have to thank all the brethren who have made the event possible. The $3,000 have already been sent to the three beneficiaries and the thank you letters have been posted. What I learned from that experience; just to see the brethren enjoying the event and it’s fellowship is gratifying enough. That is the ultimate credit you can receive! WB Jun Naguiat. and WB Ferdie, the registration process of Acacia MGM was a beauty to behold. Congratulations.” – Edgar Santos, PM
“I’ve attended MGM since Bakersfield up to the latest one in Hayward and i treasured the friendship and camaraderie of brothers from different lodges. Positively it evolve on how the event was organized. And, individually on how we meet, act and part as masons. The ‘whisper of good counsel’ to few brothers whom we care are being practiced. Kudos to all elders and organizers who assiduously keep each mgm a memorable event. Your humility are not being kept unnoticed.” – Allan Solis, PM
“During my time as the Lodge Worshipful Master, I was happy having Saturday special 3rd Degree conferral with 60 to 75 Master Masons in attendance from San Diego Lodges. That was nothing compared to the MGM Saturday special 3rd degree conferral with more than 300 to 400 Master Masons from different Lodges from California, from other States of the Union and from other parts of the world. Having a part in the conferral was very fulfilling but what I enjoy the most was observing and seeing everyone with a smile on their faces, rushing to pose for a selfie or picture taking. What an indescribable amazing feeling to be amongst Brothers and Fellows! As a Past Grand Master said, on any MGM day, “is a good day to be a Mason”. – Jesse Puspos, PM
“MGM is a journey where we meet brothers of different walks of life that as mason we never meet them on TOP, never under but always on the LEVEL!..” – Cris Sonny Sta Maria, PM